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The Bible According to Spike Milligan de Spike Milligan

Descripción - Reseña del editor The Bible According to Spike Milligan is an irreverent but very funny spoof of The Old Testament in which, in his own inimitable fashion, Spike Milligan gives his version of the best known biblical stories.In the Bible, according to Spike Milligan: 'In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth and darkness was upon the face of the deep; this was due to a malfunction at Lots Road Power Station...And God said 'Let there be light'.''Desperately funny, vivid, vulgar' Sunday Times 'Milligan is the Great God to all of us' John Cleese 'The Godfather of Alternative Comedy' Eddie Izzard 'That absolutely glorious way of looking at things differently. A great man' Stephen Fry Spike Milligan was one of the greatest and most influential comedians of the twentieth century. Born in India in 1918, he served in the Royal Artillery during WWII in North Africa and Italy. At the end of the war, he forged a career as a jazz musician, sketch-show writer and performer, before joining forces with Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe to form the legendary Goon Show. Until his death in 2002, he had success as on stage and screen and as the author of over eighty books of fiction, memoir, poetry, plays, cartoons and children's stories. Biografía del autor Spike Milligan was born at Ahmednagar in India in 1918. He received his first education in a tent in the Hyderabad Sindh desert and graduated from there, through a series of Roman Catholic schools in India and England, to the Lewisham Polytechnic.He then plunged into the world of Show Business, seduced by his first stage appearance, at the age of eight, in the nativity play of his Poona convent school. He began his career as a band musician, but has since become famous as a humorous scriptwriter and actor in both films and broadcasting. Spike received an honorary CBE in 1992.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Bible According to Spike Milligan
  • Autor: Spike Milligan
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teoría literaria y crítica
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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The Bible According to Spike Milligan: : Milligan ~ The Bible According to Spike Milligan is an irreverent but very funny spoof of The Old Testament in which, in his own inimitable fashion, Spike Milligan gives his version of the best known biblical stories.. In the Bible, according to Spike Milligan: "In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth and darkness was upon the face of the deep; this was due to a malfunction at Lots Road Power .

The Bible According to Spike Milligan eBook por Spike ~ Lee "The Bible According to Spike Milligan" por Spike Milligan disponible en Rakuten Kobo. Spike Milligan's legendary war memoirs are a hilarious and subversive first-hand account of the Second World War, as wel.

Ebooks de Spike Milligan / Todostusebooks ~ Titulo del libro THE BIBLE ACCORDING TO SPIKE MILLIGAN SPIKE MILLIGAN Spike Milligan's legendary war memoirs are a hilarious and subversive first-hand account of the Second World War, as well as a fascinating portrait of the formative years of this towering comic genius, most famous as writer and star of The Goon Show.

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The Bible According To Spike Milligan by Spike Milligan ~ Spike Milligan. Spike Milligan (1918–2002) was a famous British comedian, poet, writer and musician. His wild imagination and madcap humour had a timeless appeal that continues to delight audiences of all ages to this day. Spike (Terence Alan) was born to British parents in India, where his father, an army captain, was stationed in Poona (Pune).

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Spike Milligan - Wikipedia ~ The Bible—the Old Testament According to Spike Milligan (1993) Lady Chatterley's Lover According to Spike Milligan (1994) Wuthering Heights According to Spike Milligan (1994) D. H. Lawrence's John Thomas and Lady Jane: According to Spike Milligan—Part II of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (1995) Black Beauty According to Spike Milligan (1996)

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El sabueso de los Baskerville - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia ~ En 1997, Spike Milligan satirizó la novela en su libro The Hound of the Baskervilles According to Spike Milligan, combinando elementos de la novela original con las seriales de Basil Rathbone. La serie animada de Disney " Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers " realizó un episodio dedicado a la novela, aunque se sale del argumento completamente, haciendo alusión a que Baskerville era en realidad Sir .

Spike Milligan: Man of Letters eBook por Spike Milligan ~ Spike Milligan's letters contain some of the best material he ever wrote . . . Collected here for the first time are the funniest, rudest and most revealing of them - most of which have never been seen before - from one of the greatest comics of the twentieth century to some of its most famous politicians, actors, celebrities and rock stars (as well as a host of unlikely individuals on some .

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Spike Milligan : definición de Spike Milligan y sinónimos ~ The Bible—the Old Testament According to Spike Milligan (Michael Joseph, octubre de 1993) Black Beauty According to Spike Milligan (Michael Joseph, 1996) D.H.Lawrence's John Thomas and Lady Jane: According to Spike Milligan—Part II of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (Michael Joseph, 1995) Frankenstein According to Spike Milligan (Virgin, 1997)

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